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9 wrz 2019

Custom Necklace

Personalized jewelry has been popular for centuries. Signet rings, monogram jewelry, and other designs are highly symbolic, and it’s not at all surprising that customized rings, necklaces, and earrings remain so popular today.

Whether you’d like to design your own necklace pendant or have an ID bracelet made for someone special, there are some things to consider as you choose customized jewelry online.

When it comes to selecting personalized name jewelry, initial jewelry, and other custom pieces, you can find lots of inspiration in books, magazines, and online. Vintage initial jewelry with or without gemstones is still very popular today, and it’s possible to recreate an inspiring piece for yourself or someone special. In some cases, you might even be able to find a vintage piece that still has plenty of life in it, have it cleaned up, and enjoy wearing it as often as you like! Some other ideas include:
  • Monogram rings, bracelets, and necklaces
  • Signet rings with just a single initial, with or without gemstones
  • Friendship bracelets with your initials and the initials of your best friend
  • Wedding, engagement, and anniversary rings with a meaningful inscription inside the band
  • GPS jewelry inscribed with the latitude and longitude of a special place or a place where something meaningful happened
  • Name necklaces with vertical or horizontal bars; these are often quite delicate and can be worn alone or in groups
  • Initial pendants, which may also be worn alone or in groups
  • Family jewelry with kids’ names, parents’ names, grandparents’ names, and other names
  • Jewelry with your pet’s name
  • Jewelry with a short quote or a meaningful word inscribed on it
All of these designs can be personalized to suit the wearer’s taste. For example, choose metal that complements their skin tone, and consider whether they’d like a contemporary design or one that looks a bit old-fashioned. Add diamonds or birthstones for an extra-special touch.

While you can often turn to your local jeweler for a special design, there are lots of places to find customized jewelry online. Be sure to read reviews as you decide where to shop, and take a look at all of your options. Whatever your budget, taking a little time to make a selection will result in a favorable outcome.

Whether you’re choosing a custom jewelry design for yourself or someone else, you’ll appreciate its uniqueness, its wear-with-anything versatility, and its very special meaning!
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